The BCS Examination is a nationwide competitive examination in Bangladesh conducted by the Bangladesh Public ServiceCommission for recruitme nt to the various. Bangladesh Civil Service cadres. BCS full meaning is Bangladesh Civil Service. Download here the Detailed bcs written syllabus bangla version and BCS Preliminary Syllabus in PDF.
After passing secondary or SSC, a student becomes eligible for HSC..HSC Full Meaning Bangla-higher secondary certificate.ONLINEREADINGROOMBD provide all students A short syllabus of the Bangla First Paper and bangla 2nd paper of all the candidates who will take part in the examination of 2023. click her for HSC Short Syllabus 2023 PDF
ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং-মেডিকেল কিংবা ভার্সিটি-গুচ্ছ - লক্ষ্য যাই হোক, অর্জনের পথ এখানেই।
বিসিএস - টার্গেট যেটাই হোক, সলিউশন এখানেই!
চাকরি - টার্গেট যেটাই হোক, সলিউশন এখানেই!
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